Play basketball with the kids they said.... it will be fun they said.... so this happened day one of sabbatical. DAY ONE! I'm shoveling mulch and trying to get some yardwork done before our big trip. Jeremy mows the yard then says he's going to play basketball with the kids before doing more yardwork. Boom- Achilles tendon. Oh, and for those not keeping track, it's Memorial weekend... so heading to the doctor before Tuesday is not happening. Fingers crossed we get in Tuesday AM and figure this out. Walking boot hikes, here we come! This picture is Monday night and the kids on their own decided to make fun of Jeremy! :)
Tuesday update: it was a full tear and he will have to have surgery but we can push this off until after our trip thankfully! He's in a walking boot and getting used to maneuvering around with it. So thankful this is the left foot and not the right so driving is still possible!