Harvey and Crosby (my sister Tanya's boys) gave Jake and Bryce two of their stuffed animals to bring with them on the trip so they could travel and get pictures at all of the cool places we were going. Cute idea! I thought it would be fun to put these pictures in one blog post for them so they can see their adventures and the things their animals saw.
Dear Harvey & Crosby,
Giraffe and Hedgehog had some great adventures with us. They are ready to return home to see you but have lots of things to tell you about! Giraffe really wanted to get a tattoo of a bison on his ankle and hedgehog tried to get an earring at one of the Indian Reservations but we made them wait to talk to you guys about it first.

We only allowed Giraffe and Hedgehog to drive in Indiana... the roads outside of our state were tough for them to navigate.

They then liked the role of navigator better anyway. But they discovered the atlas we bought to highlight where we had been was missing Wyoming! (no joke) Kind of a bummer that it was missing one of the main states we went through, but Hedgehog figured it out.

They were pretty nervous at the Badlands in South Dakota. There were signs for rattlesnakes everywhere but we didn't see any and Dad promised he would protect them.

Mount Rushmore. Giraffe was in complete amazement! He wants to carve Harvey and Crosby's faces in the bin by the Gala Barn in honor of this cool spot!

A stream in Wyoming. They went for a little hike with us to stretch all of our legs from the long drive.

They were both very thirsty after the hike and then Hedgehog insisted on a nap before we went anywhere else!

This lake used to be Marquette, WY before a dam was built and the town was flooded to create the lake. This made giraffe really sad but we assured him that no one was in the town when they flooded it.

Yellowstone Lake. Hedgehog tried to jump out of Bryce's hands and go for a swim but we stopped him and had to keep telling him how cold the water was! We then saw this bison....

and hedgehog RAN back to the RV as fast as his little legs would carry him.... Bryce had to calm him down:

(In truth, Bryce may have run back to the RV too) He finally calmed down and enjoyed the rest of Yellowstone.

They wanted their picture taken by the Yellowstone sign to prove to you that they really did go through this amazing park! They kept talking about all of the bison we saw every day!

Giraffe loved the look of the snow covered mountains in the Grand Tetons. He might want to move out here after college.

They decided to take a nap instead of going into Jackson with us so they missed the antler arches. We showed them this picture though and they were glad we enjoyed the day in Jackson.

We caught them napping when we got back from Jackson STILL!! But we also got secret footage of them breaking Uncle Jeremy's "brown rule" in the bathroom of the RV....

They got in trouble and were banned from electronics for the rest of the day! No #2 in the RV Giraffe & Hedgehog!! :)

Giraffe was afraid of the altitude on account of his long neck and all so they decided not to go up the mountain with us at the Grand Tetons. But we took this picture so they could see the views. They were enjoying an espresso at the bottom of the mountain admiring the view while we went up the tram.

Afterwards, Mom & Dad allowed everyone some iPad time since we hadn't been on it for a few days.... (side note, the boys laughed SO HARD staging this one!)

They were super excited that Uncle Cap came to surprise everyone. Although they were nervous about the big drops at the Grand Canyon, they loved the views and the hiking!

Giraffe insisted on a picture by the Grand Canyon sign before we left the park. Then he took a long nap while Hedgehog read a book with Bryce on the way back to our campsite at Zion.

They ducked under the water right as Mom took this picture! They both enjoyed the Narrows hike in Zion and swam so much because it was a really hot day! Giraffe was behind Bryce and Hedgehog was swimming under Jake's legs in this picture!

We think they will probably tell you that the white water rafting was their favorite thing they did though on this trip. They loved it! Maggie was our guide and she was super fun!

Hedgehog insisted we get our picture taken by the Arkansas River before we headed to the Royal Gorge train. Giraffe was annoyed but he humored us.

So....they slept through the train ride. No joke. They feel asleep with us during the 40 minute ride from the white water rafting to the train station. We tried and tried to wake them up for the ride but they were pooped. We took a couple of pictures and showed them after. They were well rested and ready for the drive back, so we made them the co-pilots from Canon City, CO to Kanorado, KS.

Thanks so much for sharing Giraffe and Hedgehog with us! We are pretty sure they had a lot of fun with us, but we definitely had a lot of fun with them!

Love, Jake & Bryce