With our final full day in Yellowstone, we took the north loop to complete out each area. This took us up to the Roosevelt Lodge after a quick stop in Mammoth Hot Springs. We didn't go all the way up to the Roosevelt Arch but the Roosevelt Lodge was pretty neat to see. Older cabins and a really cool main office with a huge front porch and rocking chairs lining it. There was a group of ladies enjoying a glass of wine and sitting in the rocking chairs. I almost said "to hell with the cook out plans" and joined them.... but since I had already paid for our Cook Out excursion, decided I should stick with the fam.... What is Cook Out? Well, we'll get to that.... Here are some pics from the drive:

Jake wanted to stop off at Gibbon Falls and snap a quick pic.

Obsidian Cliff view from the car.

The boys climbing around on Sheepeater Cliff.

Entrance to the Roosevelt Lodge. I love the big ranch entrances. Trying to convince Jeremy we need one of these but he doesn't think it will look quite right in Indianapolis.... Maybe if I can convince Heather & Tarrey and Melissa & Jason to do one too it will catch on Providence! :)
Cook Out leaves from Roosevelt Lodge and we take a wagon pulled by horses out about 30 minutes for a steak cook-out at the base of a mountain in bison and bear country. It was a pretty fun little excursion and the boys thought it was cool! A lot of interesting history and corny jokes but overall a fun experience. Jake even answered a couple of the guides questions correct from stuff we had learned the previous couple of days... like when Yellowstone was founded (1872) and what trees make up 80% of Yellowstone (lodgepole pine). Annoying kid in the front row interrupting the guide the entire time didn't know those, so ha! LOL. Jeremy and I showed a lot of resistance not smacking said kid upside the head on multiple occasions although I think we would have been applauded by most everyone except his mother....

Loaded up in the wagon!

Luke guiding the horses down the trail right beside about 20 bison!

Yep, they were literally RIGHT THERE!
It was a really cool set up and good food!

As we headed back to the Roosevelt Lodge, the sky started to look pretty ominous.. thankfully we made it back to our cars before it cut loose. This then made the drive home from the mountains in the rain and as the temperature continued to drop even a little snow and ice. I do really well being told how to drive on the snow and ice on curves around a mountain with no guard rails at night, said no one ever....especially Jeremy. (insert wide eye emoji)
But Bryce finally got to see a bear! Coming around a curve, cars were pulled over and we saw a black bear climbing a hill right before the rain came. Yellowstone success!
